The Brown Club looks after the interests of Brown alumni, parents, students and friends in the UK. Our goal is to keep the Brown spirit thriving and to provide a connection to the wider Brown University community.

The Brown Club of United Kingdom aims to provide our community with unique opportunities to connect through a variety of exciting events throughout the year.

In our mission to make our events accessible to each of our members, we keep pricing as low as possible. Although our board members work entirely on a volunteer basis, it is often challenging to meet operating costs. We welcome and sincerely appreciate any voluntary donations to help support the Brown Club of the UK.



The aims of the Club are to:

  1. Strengthen knowledge of and ties to Brown;

  2. Maintain and grow friendships with other alumni;

  3. Continue the process of life-long learning; and

  4. Serve the University, other alumni, parents, students and the community at large.



As a Brown alumni, parent, student or friend living in the UK, you are already a member of BCUK! Find out how to receive information about our events or get in touch about volunteering