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Announcing Brown Club of United Kingdom Elections

Hi Brown Club of United Kingdom members,

Announcing the BCUK elections for term 2021 - 2023. We are looking for some of you to join us.

Open positions:

1. Young alumni liason (3 openings):

Help young alumni increase the number of interactions amongst themselves, support their collective activities, and raise the level of Brown awareness.

Eligibility: Class of 2010-2020

2. Secretary (1 opening):

The Secretary shall record all votes, consents, and maintain the minutes of all Board meetings. The Secretary shall circulate Board minutes to the Officers in a timely manner for approval. The Secretary shall provide each newly installed Officer with a current copy of the By-Laws and applicable policies related to the individual’s role as an Officer. The Secretary shall be the primary point of contact for Members. The Secretary shall have such other powers and duties as the Board may decide. Secretary position is part of the BCUK Board.

Eligibility: any member of BCUK who can attend the 6 board meetings a year

3. Co-president (1 opening):

Co-Presidents shall have general supervision and control of the business of the Club subject to the direction of the Board. Co-Presidents shall have such other powers and duties as the Board may decide. It shall be the Co-Presidents’ duty, and Co-Presidents shall have the power to see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are implemented. Co-Presidents shall serve as a liaison(s) with the Brown University Office of Alumni Relations.

Co-President position is part of the BCUK Board.

Eligibility: any member of BCUK who has attended at least a board meeting from March 2019 to January 2021, or hosted a BCUK event.

If you are interested in nominating someone/or yourself for any of the positions above, please email for the nomination form. Please feel free to get in touch if you have other questions or suggestions for events.

Election calendar:

February 24: Nominations close

March 3: Voting begins (each BCUK member will receive a unique link from Bravo to vote on Survey Monkey.)

March 17: Results announced at Brown Club of UK annual general meeting.

We hope to hear from you soon!