We'll walk to Box Hill following this route: http://www.carfreewalks.org/walks/208/up_box_hill_the_easy_way
Meet at the Box Hill & Westhumble (BXW) rail station at 10:30am Saturday 21 October.
A train leaves Victoria station at 9:31am, stops at Clapham Junction (9:37), and arrives at Box Hill & Westhumble station (BXW) at 10:21.
The walk is about 11km (roughly 6.8 miles) Please bring your own snacks and water.
We'll end at Stepping Stones pub, near the BXW station.
(http://www.steppingstonesdorking.com/visit-us). We aim to be at the pub by about 3pm. Sunset is at 5:56 pm.
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: 19 October
"Hammerhead" followed by Q&A with writer & performer by Joseph Morpurgo
Later Event: 26 October
Can We Save Mother Earth from US?